For all those who do not have their own skates, we have a very comprehensive selection of well maintained hire roller skates available at no extra cost to your entry fee.
Music is supplied by a state of the art amplified 4-way speaker system being fed by a computer driven music library running modern DJ software.
We do take request for music, but its done a week in hand as playlists are made prior to the sessions, also we have three DJs that take it in turns to bring their own different music vibes to the rink.
We usually have four full roller discos with effects lights each year, these are usually labeled as the Valentines,Spring, Halloween and Christmas roller discos. The hall is usually themed up with respect to which occasion it is. Of course Santa himself does tend to pop by our Christmas disco, but only if we are all good.
The sessions - ( 7 - 9 pm )
Skating sessions run Saturday night from 7pm until 9pm. The sessions are interrupted at 8pm so we can give each age group their own 5 minute session to blow off some steam. these are grouped as such depending on numbers of skaters attending.
16+ speed skating (backwards skating)
12-15 skating session (Forwards skating)
11 and under session (Forwards skating)
12-15 skating session (backwards skating)
11 and under session (backwards skating)
16+ speed skating (forwards skating)
16+ normal skating session
Late sessions - ( 9 -10pm )
The 9-10pm sessions are a separate entity to the previous sessions, think of them as a top-up session as you have to have attended the previous session to be part of it.
Roller hockey is run every week, though only half the hall when other activities are also going on. We keep a selection of club equipment so anyone can pick up a stick and have a go.
Lessons / practice, this occurs on the first Saturday of the month and we are luckily enough to have in addition to our own volunteers, Jamie from E.S.P in Chichester to come along and give tips and advice to those attending.